The Ego and the Woods

Who to listen to? They both talk, but often the result of our listening to them is very different.

When we are in a moment of total disconnection from ourselves we lose confidence in our abilities and in the fact that everything is perfect, in truth if we follow our hearts nothing can be missing.

Everything becomes easily granted and certain. Everything simply flows and flows.

But why too often do we get caught up in thoughts, guilt, complacency and others; especially parents, friends and sometimes even acquaintances. Because?

Because they taught us that this is how to do it, first of all you do duty, you follow the head, the society and our sick ego that gradually grew following dictated guidelines, others and so we grow and develop in a serial way, losing our personal identity and no longer knowing how to meet our hearts , our soul, our inspiration, our vital breath, as personal as it is precious.

Our ego follows others, does not follow itself, nor the heart and so it is certain not to go wrong, so fans all!

Of course you do! But those everyone, our friends, our relatives, the people close by, whom we trust, who knows? What do they know? Apart from the fact that life is difficult and compromises have to be made, like everyone else; know that our heart, our soul cannot be followed.

It's a sad life that they sell us– often filled with frustration– sometimes of success, but for whom? Who do we follow success for? For us or to feel appreciated/ACCEPTED?

The reconnection with nature speaks clearly, it speaks to us of harmony with everything and from the certainty that following the heart is the only way to feel good, in peace with oneself and therefore with others!

But why does everyone say that's not how you live?

Because? Maybe for fear of not knowing who to follow and who to imitate? Maybe for fear of being yourself and following a dream that no one from the family or the surroundings has ever fulfilled?!

Why so much fear to follow what we really feel makes us feel good? Because?

We have been told that life is suffering, survival; joy, not too much. They told us; and our neighbours, relatives and friends confirm this to us; that if we do not realize the expectations of others we are selfish, we are selfish to follow ourselves, our passions, what makes us alive.


Following one's HEART is an act of responsibility towards ourselves and towards life, life only in this way allows us to shine, every person who shines is a bearer of beauty on earth, he is a bearer of positive change in his family and in his environment.

Believe! Credits!!

And if you sometimes get lose, you allow nature to help you get back to you, to reconnect with you stess@. Open up to observe a forest, a lake, animals, open up and everything will be clearer! It will be clearer that everything has a balance!

To me personally nature has always given many answers to my questions about life. Many certainties to observe it. Like you, I am part of her and I harmonize with her.


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